
Subscription objects are returned when calling capability subscription methods.

Subscription objects allow listening for success/error events from the request. Success events may be emitted multiple times when updates to the subscription are received.


var subscription = device.getVolumeControl().subscribeVolume();
var updateCount = 0;

subscription.success(function (volume) {
    // this may be called multiple times
    console.log("got volume update: " + volume);

    if (updateCount > 5) {
        // unsubscribe after 5 updates
}).error(function (err) {
    console.error("subscription failed");


subscription.unsubscribe ()
Unsubscribes from this subscription. Notifies the device that updates are no longer needed, and stops emitting events from this Subscription object.

Mixin Methods - SimpleEventEmitter

subscription.addListener (event, callback, [context])

Add event listener.


  • event (string) – name of event
  • callback (function) – function to call when event is fired
  • context (object) [optional] – object to bind to “this” value when calling function

Returns: object – reference to the same object to allow chaining

subscription.removeListener (event, [callback], [context])

Remove event listener with the specified callback and context. If callback is null or undefined, all callbacks for this event will be removed.


  • event (string) – name of event
  • callback (function) [optional] – function originally passed to addListener
  • context (object) [optional] – context object originally passed to addListener

Returns: object – reference to the same object to allow chaining

subscription.on (event, callback, [context])

Alias for addListener.


  • event (string) – name of event
  • callback (function) – function to call when event is fired
  • context (object) [optional] – object to bind to “this” value when calling function

Returns: object – reference to the same object to allow chaining (event, [callback], [context])

Alias for removeListener.


  • event (string) – event name
  • callback (function) [optional] – function originally passed to on
  • context (object) [optional] – context object originally passed to on

Returns: object – reference to the same object to allow chaining

Mixin Methods - SuccessCallbacks

subscription.success (callback, [context])

Register a callback for the “success” event. The success callback may be called with zero or more arguments depending on the type of response.


obj.success(function (result) {"I got a result: " + result);
}, this);


  • callback (function) – function to call when event is fired
  • context (*) [optional] – object to bind to “this” value when calling function

Returns: object – reference to the same object to allow chaining

subscription.error (callback, [context])

Register a callback for the “error” event. The error callback will be called with a error object as the only argument.


obj.error(function (err) {
    this.reportError("I got an error: " + err);
}, this);


  • callback (function) – function to call when event is fired
  • context (*) [optional] – object to bind to “this” value when calling function

Returns: object – reference to the same object to allow chaining

subscription.complete (callback, [context])

Register a callback for the “complete” event. The complete callback will be called with


obj.complete(function (err, result) {
    if (err) {"I got an error: " + err);
    } else {
        console.log("I got a result: " + result);
}, this);


  • callback (function) – function to call when event is fired
  • context (*) [optional] – object to bind to “this” value when calling function

Returns: object – reference to the same object to allow chaining